In September 1956, there was a one day event held on the school grounds in Augusta. This the beginning of the Hampshire County Fair. The Augusta Ruritan Club was the sponsor at that time. Ruritan is a national organization founded in 1928. One of its purposes is to bring to communities projects that will benefit the community and provide activities for all ages.
The first fair was so enthusiastically received that it was decided to conduct a twoday fair in 1958. In order to do this, it was necessary to secure a different location with more space. The present “fairgrounds” was leased and in 1959 was purchased so that now a 17acre tract is permanently available. It also provides a gocart track and space for other community events.
Over the years, the fairgrounds has expanded to house a permanent exhibit hall and stock bam and show arena for the livestock exhibits for FFA members and 4H members.
The Fair Association, which is made up of members from all the Ruritan Clubs, meets monthly from February until October to make plans for the fair. They are always looking for ways to improve the fairgrounds and to provide good, clean entertainment for the people attending the fair.
The sponsors want to thank the people of Hampshire County as well as people from the surrounding area for the fine support that has been given to the fair. We also solicit your continued support so that the Fair may continue to grow in importance and service to all the people who attend. If you have suggestions for new events and projects, let one of the Ruritan members know.